Friday, November 5, 2010

Welcome to The Golden Muse, a world of warcraft blog by yours truly, Cindia

My gaming career and gold making career started in Ultima Online where I loved setting up my vendors and exploring other people’s vendors for underpriced items and flipping them for profits, or farming with my pack of frenzieds. I stopped UO for Everquest, and my passion for profits fell as I had to contend with the EQ economy (was not friendly toward new or starting players).
I started wow a few months after its initial release and I now look back and laugh at my nativity. I remember looking at people in blues and epic mounts in awe, never dreaming that I would be able to afford the 100g epic mount.
I made lots of mistakes in my early wow career, first was not utilizing the auction house. I didn’t even know it was there until 6 months into playing. Once I knew it was there I didn’t really think of it as a valid source of income.
Another mistake I made was selling or vendoring items that if sold on the auction house would have netted me a nice profit (I once vendor’d the Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw), I thought it was ugly and this was back when pets where actual items). Most of this behavior continued through vanilla and into BC.
When BC was in full throttle I found my interest waning in Raiding, but I still wanted to play wow so I started an Alt Draenei mage, as I leveled I found items of worth and actually started posting them on the AH. The profit I was returned was amazing and I was soon surprised that my little level 40 mage had more gold than my level 70 raiding priest. The Auctioneer in me was born.

With WOTLK launch the little mage became my main and I decided to start reviewing the AH more and actually make gold with the AH, but I was bombarded with leveling and raiding and didn’t have much time.

The last 6 months I have remedied that. I now am making gold consistently and I have my fingers in lots of pies. I spend lots of time reviewing gold making blogs to compare ideas and see other methods other people use to see if they can be applied to my server and my markets.
With Cataclysm a month away, I decided it was time to become a serious competitor in the Auction House on my server, and see if I could reach the new gold cap of 1 Million Gold.
Therefore I decided to start a blog and chronicle my progress and report my thoughts, tips and mistakes along the way.

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