Saturday, November 6, 2010

Buy Low – Sell Normal, unless supply is limited – take risks, but don’t be too hasty.

“Buy Low – Sell High” is a standard economic statement that is easy to understand. Buying something below cost or as close to cost as you can, and selling for a higher price results in a profit margin.
However with wow, there are multiple items that can be supplied in great quantities and it’s almost impossible to control the supply of any one market. Buy buying low and selling at normal prices, you are almost guaranteed to sell your items and still make a profit.
Selling high can be beneficial, and there are times when you can make a larger profit, however with that comes risk. The higher your sell price, the greater the chance of the item being underbid or not bid on at all. This all depends on supply.
If the item you are selling is a limited supply or a highly sought after item, then an increase in price is a good risk to make. It is still a risk, but the chances of a sale are greater.
For non-limited supply items or items that are not in high demand, charging higher than normal prices can result in returned auctions and increased auction fees (some items have very high auction fees and multiple auctions of said item can result in a loss).
Making large profits depends on your knowledge of the current market, where the market is going and what kinds of risks you are willing to take. You also have to take into account the game and what the majority of players on your server are focusing on. In between raid releases? Reputation and Vanity items may sell more as players concentrate on other parts of the game. New Raid or Boss release? Items needed for raiding may increase. Holiday? Items needed for holiday quests and achievements should spike in price.

Keeping all this in mind is one of the things you need to do to become a successful Auctioneer.

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